B Naked Vegan Chocolates

B Naked

  • $4.50

B Naked Chocolates are the Bomb!

Pecan't Do Without It

Crunchy pecan tart shells filled with our luscious dark chocolate ganache. Our most popular dessert is sure to please a crowd. Ingredients: pecans, dates*, cacao*, maple syrup*, coconut oil*. *Organic.

Skinny Dipped Naked Blonde

Flecks of wild crafted vanilla bean weaved into strands of coconut makes our Blonde macaroon a popular lady. After a skinny dip in our b Sinfully Naked Sauce you will want to take her home. Ingredients: coconut*, almond meal, maple syrup*, coconut oil*, ground wild crafted vanilla bean*, sea salt. Sauce: cacao*, maple syrup*, coconut oil*. *Organic.

Naked Macaroons, flavors vary

Naked Blonde 

Flecks of wild crafted vanilla bean are weaved into strands of coconut. You might call this lady a dirty blonde due to her color, but it is the robust taste of pure vanilla that entices and will call your name. Ingredients: coconut*, almond meal, maple syrup*, coconut oil*, ground wild crafted vanilla bean*, sea salt. *Organic.

B Naked Brownies

Super simple but very satisfying. Almond Brownies, Cashew Brownies and Mint Brownies! 2 pieces per container.

Kitchen Sink Fudge

Cacao, maple syrup, coconut, hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds, almond flour, coconut oil, cacao nibs, cinnamon, cayenne, sea salt, organic.

Crazy for Hazel

Hazelnuts, cacao, dates, maple syrup, coconut oil, organic.

Dominican Cacao

Our rich cacao is 22% fat, nearly double most cacao powders on the shelf. Providing a much smoother and satisfying flavor. It is organic, fair trade and all that. We use this to make the majority of our chocolate products. And now you can create great treats to. You will love it in smoothies, raw desserts, your coffee or to make hot chocolate. Experiment with it in your baked goods. 8 ounces

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